بایگانی برچسب: حقوق

The cognitive and cultural foundations of moral behavior


پایه های شناختی و فرهنگی رفتار اخلاقی Does moral culture contribute to the evolution of cooperation? Here, we examine individuals’ and communities’ models of what it means to be good and bad and how they correspond to corollary behavior across a variety of socioecological contexts. Our sample includes over 600 …

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How should taxes be designed to encourage entrepreneurship?


چگونه باید مالیات برای تشویق کارآفرینی طراحی شود؟ This paper examines how tax policy should be designed to best encourage entrepreneurial activity in start-up firms. We begin by describing several presumed market failures affecting entrepreneurial firms that would lead to an under-provision of entrepreneurial activity: 1) information spillovers from innovations …

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WTO membership and the shift to consumption taxes


عضویت در سازمان تجارت جهانی و تغییر مالیات مصرفی This paper explores tax policy effects and revenue implications of joining the World Trade Organization (WTO) and its predecessor, the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT). It documents that countries joining GATT/WTO after 1990 have implemented tariff-cum-tax reforms, lowering tariff …

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The impact of jury experience on perception of the criminal prosecution system

مقالات حقوقی

تاثير تجربه هيئت منصفه بر ادراك نظام پيگرد قانونی The present study tested the impact of jury experience on citizens’ perceptions of the criminal prosecution system. Based on deliberative democratic theory which predicts the beneficial impact of jury experience on citizen-jurors’ confidence and knowledge in law and the justice system, …

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Corruption, organized crime and the bright side of subversion of law

مقالات حقوق

فساد اداری، جرایم سازمان یافته و روش های نابودی قانون We study an enforcement model in which, as soon as a Legislator grants an amnesty to low-rank criminals cooperating with the justice, top criminals react by bribing public officials in order to avoid being sanctioned. We show that, to prevent …

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Legal Empowerment and Social Accountability: Complementary Strategies Toward Rights-based Development in Health?

مقالات رشته حقوق

توانمندسازی قانونی و پاسخگویی اجتماعی: راهکارهای تکمیلی در راستای توسعه حقوق مبتنی بر حقوق در سلامت؟   Citizen-based accountability strategies to improve the lives of the poor and marginalized groups are increasingly being used in efforts to improve basic public services. The latest thinking suggests that broader, multi-pronged, multi-level, strategic …

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